Friday, June 16, 2017

Meet Our Guests: Garth Smith

Garth Smith is an LDS music artist specializing in original arrangements of the hymns.

He released his first album “Sacred Hymns” in 2014, and was shortly signed thereafter by RLegacy Entertainment in Salt Lake City, Utah. Garth has released two more albums since then, “How Beautiful Thy Temples in May 2015 and “Behold the Great Redeemer in September 2016. Garth is currently in the studio recording for an upcoming Christmas album “A Sacred Christmas” to be released at the end of 2017.

Garth’s albums have received critical acclaim from Deseret News, LDS Living and Meridian Magazines, and from respected LDS bloggers. His music is featured on the Mormon Channel, and the Garth Smith Channel on Pandora, Spotify, and YouTube.  Garth’s albums are found in Deseret Book and all major LDS music outlets. Garth was honored to have his “O Little Town of Bethlehem” arrangement selected by Bonneville International to be part of the 2016 #LIGHTtheWORLD Christmas campaign by the church.

Garth was born in Brigham City Utah. He served in the Arizona Holbrook Navajo speaking mission.Upon returning from his mission, he attended Brigham Young University where an inspired Bishop called him to team teach the marriage preparation class in his singles Ward with a beautiful young woman named Diane Pruyne (pronounced PRINE). The rest, as they say, is history.

All of the hymn arrangements that you will hear (tonight/today) are original arrangements by Garth.

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